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Homebound Services

Homebound services are for students who are confined to home or hospital for 4 or more school weeks. Services are available to both general education and special education students based on certain criteria per TEA.  Additional information is available at each campus:

  • For general education or Section 504 students, contact your campus 504 Coordinator.
  • For special education students, contact the district diagnostician.

For further questions concerning eligibility and procedures, you may contact the Special and Federal Programs Office, Rachael Hull, at 254-793-2850, via email at



  • Homebound eligibility is determined by the ARD or 504 committee, based on specific criteria, including confinement to a home/hospital setting. Please note that TEA regulations state that students in non-residential treatment facilities are NOT eligible for homebound services.
  • Homebound services do not start automatically upon recommendation by a physician and/or entry into a residential facility. To expedite the process, please inform the campus 504 coordinator and/or SPED Diagnostician as soon as possible. The family should communicate with the physician’s office letting them know to expect paperwork and expedite its return.
  • All required paperwork will be provided by the school. Forms must travel directly to/from the school to the doctor’s office. Hand-carried paperwork from the parent will not be accepted.
  • The ARD or 504 committee will determine the beginning and end of homebound services, based on information provided by the homebound teacher, parents, and licensed physician. **Please note: On the date that homebound services are set to expire, if an extension has not been received by the physician, homebound services will cease and regular attendance expectations will resume.
  • The student’s homebound program will be planned and carried out on the basis of the needs of the student and of the services of homebound teaching, which obviously cannot provide the experience of a regular classroom. Homebound services are provided by a certified teacher who is a generalist. Students are still able to communicate with their campus teacher.
  • The ARD or 504 committee will determine the scope of instruction and independent work, as well as any needed accommodations, extended time/due date parameters, etc. Homebound students are not exempt from assignments but are still responsible for completing work to show mastery of curriculum.
  • The homebound teacher will be emphasizing current assignments so when the student is able to return to school, he/she is able to rejoin the class. Incompletes or previously undone or failed assignments should be discussed with the classroom teacher.
  • While the student is receiving homebound services, the student may not be able to participate in or attend extracurricular school activities including sports events, school dances, or work outside the home unless so specified by the physician on the Medical Needs Assessment. However, the ARD or 504 committee will make the final determination based on student needs.
  • The district and parent will work cooperatively to arrange a mutually agreeable schedule for homebound services. After 3 consecutive or a pattern of canceled appointments, the committee will determine the ongoing course of action. More information from the treating physician may be needed. Absences (excused and unexcused) will be determined on the amount of time the student is available for services. Although attendance is in a different format, truancy laws are still applicable.
  • In order to maximize the effectiveness of homebound instruction, parents agree that a responsible adult (18+) will always be present during the time the teacher is at the home and will provide an appropriate work space. The adult does not need to be in the room; instruction should be occurring during scheduled time. If a student refuses or is unable to work when the teacher arrives, the time will not count towards attendance.
  • Parents and student are responsible for all textbooks, library books, computer equipment, and other instructional materials which are checked out for use during homebound services.

Student Services