Families or students experiencing homelessness due to COVID-19 can obtain information from the Texas Homeless Education Office at
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (federal law) provides assistance to states to help them ensure educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. This program helps State Educational Agencies (SEAs) ensure that homeless children, including preschoolers and youths, have equal access to FAPE, including public preschool education, as provided to other children and youth.
Homeless Student Enrollment
A school must enroll a student who is in a possible homeless situation. The lack of records or proof of residency must not be a reason for not enrolling the student. A parent/guardian may enroll their student in the school near the place they are currently living. The student may also continue to attend his/her original school. A Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) is given to the parent/guardian at the time of registration due to changes in living and financial situations. However, a parent/guardian or student may also request the SRQ at any time during the school year as living and financial situations change.
Student Residency Questionaire-English
Student Residency Questionaire-Spanish
District Contact
Jennifer Michalewicz
McKinney Vento Homeless Liason
Campus Contacts
Jennifer Michalewicz, Counselor @ Florence Elementary School
Shirley Camacho, Counselor @ Florence Middle School
Laura Bettin, Counselor @ Florence High School
Other Resources
Williamson County Resources
Round Rock Areas Serving Center
Phone: (512) 244-2431
The Caring Place
Phone: (512) 943-0700
The Salvation Army
Phone: (512) 943-8421
Aunt Bertha – The Social Care Network for free or reduced-cost services like a food pantry, clothes closet, housing, and medical care in your area.
2-1-1 Texas
This is a free service that can refer to appropriate social service agencies and provide their
contact information. It is supported by the state’s Health and Human Service Commission's
Texas Information and Referral Network. This service can be accessed via its website
(searchable by service type and location) or by phone (dial 2-1-1).
Texas Homeless Network
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth