8th Grade Mathematics Syllabus
Mr. Beliveau
Florence Middle School, Room 6
Course Information & Objectives:
The goal of this course is to expand on the student’s math skills in order to have a mastery of the curriculum. The curriculum builds on previously learned math concepts and achieves the requirements for the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills for the 8th Grade.
Unit 1: Value and Magnitude of Real Numbers
Unit 2: Statistics with Univariate Data
Unit 3: Equations, Inequalities & Applications
Unit 4: Understanding Slope and y-Intercept
Unit 5: Proportional & Nonproportional Functions
Unit 6: Statistics with Bivariate Data
Unit 7: Transformational Geometry
Unit 8: Angle & Triangle Relationships
Unit 9: Measurement of Three-Dimensional Figures
Rules & Expectations:
1. Arrive prepared and ready to learn, including bringing a pencil and your notebook every day.
2. Do not be a disruption to your own learning or the learning of others.
3. Phones must be off and put away during class unless the teacher has given an instruction that phones may be used to support a learning activity. Phones are not to be taken to the restroom.
5. No other personal electronic devices, including headphones, ear buds/AirPods or gaming devices, are permitted in class. These must be off and put away during class.
6. No unauthorized food, snacks, drinks etc. are permitted. These need to go to the trash if you bring them. Water is permitted.
8. No placing feet up on desks or chairs or sitting on top of desktops.
8. At no point should a student be out of their seat without permission during class.
9. Any item that is distracting you, other students in class, or the teacher, will be confiscated and considered a classroom disruption violation of the disciplinary policy.
Note to all 8th Grade Math Parents:
Please feel free to contact me at any time about your student. You may either call me through the school’s phone system at 254-793-2504 and ask for Mr. Beliveau, or via email at cbeliveau@florenceisd.net. I prefer to use email when possible, as I can only receive phone calls during my conference period. My scheduled conference time is 8th Period (2:48 - 3:40). I read and respond to emails as often as possible throughout the day. I will want to share positive things about your student as well as any concerns.
Please ensure your phone number and email address are current in our system.
In the unlikely event that I need to contact you regarding a behavioral issue, your support is critical to a successful resolution and an improvement opportunity for your child. The most common behavioral problems for which I contact parents involve disruptions of the classroom learning environment affecting the learning of your student and/or other students. These are often a result of continuing to talk after being warned and abuse of the cell phone policy. If your child is unable to control their talking, or if your child has a phone and refuses to turn it off and put it away during class, then I will likely need to contact you. I prefer to address these issues prior to a disciplinary consequence.
I am provided a class period daily to teach, plan, manage and support remote learning for all students not attending class in-person for 8th Grade Math and Algebra 1. It is during this conference period (8th Period 2:48 - 3:40 p.m.) that I will respond to questions from students enrolled in remote learning. I will respond to all requests in as timely a manner as possible, however there may be times when my response is delayed. For questions or academic course support, contact me through email cbeliveau@florenceisd.net or message within the school’s learning management system (Canvas).
Tutoring will be scheduled after school from 3:40 to 4:00 daily. Additional opportunities for tutoring may be provided on an individual basis throughout the year. The tutoring schedule may be adjusted based on additional duty assignments assigned to the teacher. An instructional aide may be available for additional tutoring and questions. Tutoring sessions may be held remotely via Zoom.
In 8th Grade Math, there is a lot of material to cover in a short time period. Grades will be posted for all assignments as soon as possible. Please communicate with your student and with me as necessary so there will be no surprises at the end of the nine-week grading period.
Chris Beliveau
Florence Middle School
8th Grade Math & Algebra