Posted Date: 05/22/2020
The FISD Board of Trustees honored two long serving members at the May meeting. Dena Shelton and Craig Clark have retired from service on the Board.
Mr. Clark earlier retired from service, but stepped up to fill a vacancy on the Board. He has approximately 20 years of service including many years as president. Anthony DeAugustineo filled Mr. Clark’s position on the Board.
Dena Shelton has served twelve years as a board member, many of those years as vice-president. Mrs. Shelton also served numerous terms as the FISD Delegate to the TASB (Texas Association of School Boards) Assembly. David Edgar filled Mrs. Shelton’s position on the Board.
These Board Members have served honorably for many years and between them, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Superintendent Michalewicz presented each of them with a canvas of a Buffalo and a Challenge Coin as a token of our appreciation. The remainder of the board members each expressed their gratitude to them for their faithful service and leadership.